Tuesday, 23 August 2016

PASSION to fashion . mampu membuatmu lebih percaya diri: Find your style

I love

music, hear a music ballad, instrument, or rookie music korean make me tell all about my feel, and else can expression my style of music

i love sweet smiling. memandang hidup adalah senyuman yang harus menebarkan energi positif pada diri siapapun yang mengerti pentingnya bersyukur dalam putaran kehidupan

again and again, i love heard music. make me feel calm and understand how enjoying my life

i love my style. able to expression my style though of fashion. about anything i used, or how i used , fashion can tell all it to people about yourself and your personality. but, you not must be trendsetter , just expression your style, can you found yourself. that of you. you created big fashion inthe world. 


All About Me

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jakarta, dki jakarta, Indonesia
instagram : netha_zy facebook : netha zy
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